Thursday, 30 August 2012

T minus 15 days

Two very good friends are heading off to Versailles/Paris and Lyon for their Year Abroad tomorrow. Not only am I going to miss them, despite going to see them in respective cities, it has also made me realise just how close Lannion is getting. I'll be heading over there in 15 days. 15 days from now, I'll almost be arriving at Plymouth port.

On another note, it seems that preparation for the YA is intrinsically linked with spending a lot of money. In the past three days I've spent £185 on YA insurance, £50 on an apostille for my birth certificate, £12 on an ink cartridge so I can photocopy ALL the documents and £120 on flights home for Christmas. It's just a depressing amount of money and I've not even arrived on the continent. It doesn't end there though. Tomorrow, I'll be getting my eyes tested, which inevitably will mean new lenses (will probably get whole new glasses, just in case I break/lose a pair in France)...

So what have I been doing to mentally prepare myself?
Avoiding packing and other planning/preparation.
Curling up on my bed in denial.

Watching videos of Lannion on Youtube
Voluntarily translating an article from French to English
Going for meals with friends to say goodbyes.

I've actually forgotten where I was going with this post.
I'll go away and come back later.
A bientôt!

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