Thursday, 9 August 2012

Roll on, Roscoff!

So, I finally decided to take a ferry from Plymouth as the method of travel to get me to the Hexagone. Annoyingly, the ferry doesn't leave until 11pm on Sept 14th, unlike the 8pm one from Portsmouth, but I've booked it. Following my arrival in Roscoff, I'll need to get a bus to Morlaix, and a train to Lannion with a change in Guingamp, all with big bags of luggage. Cannot wait.

Including today, I leave for France in 36 days. It's so scary. I've said my final goodbyes to Leeds and won't be returning there until Sept 2013. It's so weird to think that. I was meant to be writing about a few things in this post, but I appear to have forgotten most of them.

It's been mentioned that it might be a good idea to take a small gift of 'English' things for my responsables as a thank-you for the work they're going to be doing with us and the support we'll be getting. So far, I have some London themed stickers and not sure what else to get. Tea and biscuits, maybe?

Things that have made me feel a bit more positive about the whole experience are that I've found a LGBT-H association in the town which I think is slightly like a union to join but also runs events and stuff. Yes, because that was coherent... There is also a gay friendly bar and coffee shop 8 minutes walk away from my house. So I think, as long as the house is all legit, things should go okay.

My memory escapes me.
This will do for now.

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