So, it's been a while since I last updated, but there has been a genuine reason for that, don't worry. During my time away from this blog, I went back to England for the 2-week Winter Holidays. I wasn't always planning on going all the way back home but after booking a trip to the Isle of Wight and another to London, I was left with a gap of 6 days, so I decided it would be easier to pop back up to Leicester for a bit too. I do believe it was a good decision as well because the stint between Christmas and the end of February was really quite depressing as I often found myself feeling homesick.
I started the holidays by leaving Brittany by taking a ferry (well, two actually) to the Isle of Wight to see a friend who I've known for 8 years, but this was the first time we had met. It was so unbelievable exciting but nerve-wracking at the same time. I spent 4 days on the island meeting her friends and family, having a good catch-up and getting to see the world from where she lives. To be honest, it was quite surreal, because every so often we would remember that we were not talking on Skype, that it was real! I might go back over there in the Summer, when, hopefully, it'll be a tad warmer, but I'd like her to come 'up North' first. We'll see.
Then I made a trek back up home which included a long coach, a train and walk though a place where there was a ridiculous amount of horse muck, to where I finally got to surprise my parents by just turning up on the doorstep. I would have liked to have let myself in, but sadly, the door ate my key over the Summer, but instead, I was greeted by my cat, which if you don't know already, I treat like a child. Once the door opened, I was greeted with a 'uhh, what are you doing here?' from my father and a very-close to tears mother. The next few days were nothing to write home about really, I just chilled around the house, seeing a few friends and family.

Towards the end of the holidays, I headed down to London, where, to the annoyance of my friend, I repeatedly got confused between the Underground and the Metro... I guess that's why she decided to drop a big metal frame on my foot.... (just kidding, I know it was an accident, don't worry about it). Lots of people came down (or up, or over) to London that weekend because a friend from America was visiting for the first time. There are too many stories to tell really, but one of the highlights - and hopefully something that will interest a few people - was seeing Matilda in the theatre. I was obsessed with the film as a child, so seeing Tim Minchin's version was just wonderful. There was a proper feeling of nostalgia but also awe at how well the young cast performed.
On Monday morning, I took the Eurostar back to France and within 5 minutes of leaving St Pancras, the landscape was completely white. 10 hours later, I made it back to the little town where I'm staying, later to hear that all Eurostar services had been cancelled due to the weather. Phew, that was lucky.
Nothing much exciting has happened this week, two lazy days where I had lessons but either no or few students due to the snow, a lesson based on a Murder Mystery which was fantastic and oh, more letters from the CAF demanding more documents. The same documents which I have already sent them. My cynical side says that they are delaying my application process on purpose, hoping that I'll either just give up or that it'll come to May and it'll be too late to do anything because I'm sure they'll refuse to transfer money into my UK bank account. Little buggers.
So, I have 22 days left of teaching and 49 days left in France. I have mixed feelings about that, so I'll just leave this post here. Suspense? I think not.
A bientôt! xx
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