So I've decided to update this blog as a way to try and remain calm. I'm meeting my responsable tomorrow morning and it would be an understatement to say I'm nervous. I believe I've prepared fairly well for this meeting; I've written down a bulletpointed list (in English) of things I need to ask him, I couldn't be bothered to translate the list and well, at least I'll be practising my spontaneous French at 9am instead of reciting sentences.

Over the last few days, I've not done that much. Sunday was spent in the house because it rained ALL day and yesterday, I wasn't feeling up to doing much. It will be better when I have a routine. It will, it will. On Saturday, I was going to go to an event at the local library, well, I was until I woke up later than planned, it was raining and the event was taking place at a multimedia centre further down town. I really need to accept that it is going to rain a lot here. Welcome to Brittany. In the evening, I went to the local bar and had a cocktail, whilst I sat in the corner and read a book for an hour. There were two people there, who I vaguely know because I've been talking to them on Twitter etc, but I was too shy to go up to them. I came home to find a tweet saying that if I ever felt alone in the bar, I was welcome to go and join them. How lovely.
On Monday, I took the bus to St Brieuc to meet Angela, another English Language Assistant. Each way took about 1h40 minutes and cost 2€. Two euros. When I read this, I initially thought I had misundertood, either that, or the bus would be a tin can on wheels. Well, when a nice coach turned up, I was rather surprised. I decided to take this option over the trains, because despite the fact that it would have cost me 28€, as I am yet to buy a carte jeune, the 'train' leaving at just before 9am was actually, a coach and two trains - for an hour's journey - what the...?
So I met up with Angela, we walked round for a bit, had an early lunch, went to find the lycée for the training day and then went to the cinema. We went to see a French film, called 'Camille redouble' without subtitles. Brave, but we didn't have much other option. At first, we were the only ones in the screen, by the end, there were four of us. Totally packed. I think we both came away understanding the most part of the film, even if we didn't understand what was being said.
Today, I went out in between the rain to collect some letters that had been redirected to the post office. But before that, I checked the post box to find not one, but 4 letters for me. All from the post office giving me information about my bank account. Each letter said something different. I appreciate the concept behind keeping details separate but... wow. At the post office, the window I needed was momentarily shut. No big problem, so I sat on a chair and waited. Seconds later, a woman asked if I was waiting to see her and I explained that I was waiting for the window to re-open and she just smiled, and walked me over to a different window (which I believed to be for something completely different). This woman was still grinning from ear to ear when I left. I'm glad to have entertained you, Madame.
Right, I'm going to find all the important documents for tomorrow and then try to get some sleep, despite feeling ridiculously nervous.
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