Friday, 6 July 2012

Bureaucracy gone mad!

I definitely underestimated the amount of paperwork that there is to be done over the next few weeks in preparation of my Year Abroad. Just when you think you've got it under control, you receive another email from the British Council with more documents to read, print, keep, send back to them, send to uni, or give to your parents. Yes, there was a letter for parents, it made me feel like I was back in primary school again where parents would be given a letter saying that there was an upcoming field trip.

I've filled in a lot of them, not quite finished all of them, but as it's now Friday afternoon, I'm doubting they'll get posted until Monday, unless I suddenly drag myself out of this slow, miserable state and post them tomorrow morning. I'm not actually that miserable, I think it's this awful weather. That's all I shall say on it though because everyone is dwelling on it, and it only makes it seem worse.

I've sent an email to each of my responsables and only one has replied so far; Lannion is a very small town with few good links of transport and it is looking very likely that I'll have to find my own accommodation. Something I should really get my backside into then. I would really like my other responsable to reply soon, because if she offers me accommodation, even if only temporary, it would be a real help. I don't want to sign a contract for a place without seeing it, but in some ways, I may not have much choice.

For this afternoon though, I shall finish these application forms (ERASMUS etc.) and email the principal of the college to introduce myself and accept the post.

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