Sunday, 16 December 2012

Feeling festive

With regard to teaching, there's not that much to say, really. I'm averaging 9 classes a week, because some are being cancelled due to end of term tests and inspections. I don't mind this at all, I'm all for the extra time in bed extra. What isn't funny though is when a teacher has a planned day off, tells the students and the other teachers, but fails to tell me. This happened to me the other Monday morning, I got to the school for quarter to eight in the morning to be told that the teacher was not going to be in that day. I took a deep breath and headed for the staffroom and set myself up on the computer for my (now) 3 hour gap until the next lesson. I only live a 15 minutes walk away from the school, but for those of you who know me, I was too lazy to walk back again. 

I found ways to pass the time, which included voluntarily marking some work, and just before 11am, I went to make some photocopies. This is when I bumped into the teacher of the 11am class and I was told that she didn't need me either because the majority of the class had an exam and the three that remained are nowhere to be seen. Another deep breath and a smile through gritted teeth, I volunteered in a random class because I felt like I should do something as I had just spent 3 hours in the school. I helped out in a class of seconde students, had lunch and went home. I never got an apology from the 8am teacher and at one point, I even had to remind her that she wasn't there that day.

The past couple of weekends have been rather busy and social. The first weekend of December, I was invited to a belated Thanksgiving meal with two other assistants and their teachers. It was a lovely evening and started to get me in the festive mood.

Last Saturday, I went to St Brieuc and met up with a few assistants there. We went to the market, had a pub lunch, went back to someone's house for popcorn, cake and coffee and then once I got back to Lannion, I spent the evening with two other assistants, eating pizza and chatting.

This weekend has been amazing, but now, for a reason which I'm not too sure of, I ache. Friday night, we had a party in Perros Guirec, there were 12 of us in the end, I got to meet new people and catch-up with assistants I had already met. After plenty of food and drink, we decided to go for a midnight walk to the beach. We could have walked along the road and down a few steps, but no, for some reason unknown to me, we climbed down the wet, slippery, uneven rocks, with only the light from our phones. I have no idea why. Once we were actually on the beach though, it was lovely and the stars were very bright.

Today, I spent the afternoon volunteering as a Christmas Angel with the LGBT-H association that I've joined. The association has set up a stall at the Christmas market and we're selling teddy bears, candy canes and Christmas hats to raise money so we can then buy toys for the children in the local hospital. I'll be back there on Wednesday too, for the whole day, which should be interesting.

I've just come off Skype with my parents so now I'm really excited for going home. This time in 6 days. I'm jealous of those leaving on Wednesday but I'm sure Saturday will come round soon enough. I'm also really in the festive mood, despite a few issues regarding presents.

(Picture 1: The group of assistants the morning after the party in Perros
Picture 2: Poster advertising the Christmas Angels operation
Picture 3: A teddy that I bought).